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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 1-312

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An Unusual Minimization Principle for Parabolic Gradient Flows

Lawrence C. Evans

pp. 1-4

Existence of Periodic Solutions for Equations of Evolving Curves

Yoshikazu Giga and Noriko Mizoguchi

pp. 5-39

Fully Nonlinear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

G. Da Prato and L. Tubaro

pp. 40-55

Capillary Wedges Revisited

Paul Concus and Robert Finn

pp. 56-69

Global Existence of Solutions for the System of Compressible Adiabatic Flow through Porous Media

L. Hsiao and D. Serre

pp. 70-77

A Spatial Decay Estimate for the Hyperbolic Heat Equation

R. Quintanilla

pp. 78-91

Convergence of the Child–Langmuir Asymptotics of the Boltzmann Equation of Semiconductors

Naoufel Ben Abdallah

pp. 92-109

Rigorous WKB for Finite-Order Linear Recurrence Relations with Smooth Coefficients

Ovidiu Costin and Rodica Costin

pp. 110-134

Time-Periodic Quasi-Linear Reaction-Diffusion Equations

Mary M. Legner and Victor L. Shapiro

pp. 135-169

Periodic and Positive Wave Front Solutions of Semilinear Diffusion Equations

José M. Fraile and José Sabina de Lis

pp. 170-203

Analysis of the Domain Integral Operator for Anisotropic Dielectric Waveguides

H. P. Urbach

pp. 204-220

When the Long-Time Behavior is Independent of the Initial Density

Andrzej Lasota and James A. Yorke

pp. 221-240

A Center-Unstable Manifold Theorem for Parametrically Excited Surface Waves

Lawrence Turyn

pp. 241-257

The Regularization of Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations

Leonid V. Kalachev and Robert E. O'Malley, Jr.

pp. 258-273

Stability and Convergence of Extension Schemes to Continuous Functions in General Metric Spaces

E. Le Gruyer and J. C. Archer

pp. 274-285

Convolution Operators for Radial Basis Approximation

Jeremy Levesley, Yuan Xu, Will Light, and Ward Cheney

pp. 286-304

Orthogonal Wavelets on the Cantor Dyadic Group

W. Christopher Lang

pp. 305-312